beSTORM® Software Security Testing Tool
For lab testing the security of any modules, hardware, and applications, even on proprietary protocols.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) - Black Box Fuzzing The only fuzzing solution you will ever need
During product development, bestorm can be used to perform dynamic safety tests on products. Before deploying web applications, network administrators can use bestorm to verify the security of web applications. The QA department may use a variety of different tools to test the security of the application. Now, just using bestorm, the QA department can complete all dynamic security tests and testing all web applications, even web applications with proprietary protocols.
bestorm was previously used only in government departments and large enterprises. It has long been used to identify the security problems of network equipment and software. bestorm is easy to operate, powerful, and widely deployed in the military industry. bestorm can replace many kinds of tools with complex operation or poor functionality and no evidence, and provides standard, reliable and repeatable security testing processes. Enterprises of any size can incorporate bestorm security testing processes into software QA processes.
From a technical perspective, bestorm is a business intelligence black box fuzzing tool. During development, use bestorm to test application security in the lab, or use bestorm to verify software and network hardware before deployment. bestorm has comprehensive technical and development support without source code. bestorm first tests the most common and most probable problem situations, quickly obtains results, and then expands the scope to approach the test of an infinite number of different attack methods.
Contact us today and get your software security testing questions answered.