
Digital stream and analog image distortion test and scoring tool
Video Clarity is an American video testing company that provides industry dynamic image distortion scoring tools based on ITU test specifications, replacing the industry's previous ability to use human eyes for dynamic image quality scoring, and providing fair scoring and debugging tools for image developers and testers.
RTM-Video and audio quality test solution for real-time TV signals or IP Stream, which can detect and record video images (visual), audio (audio), loudness (loudess), lip sync (lip sync) and other issues
ClearView-provides a complete hardware and software solution, can provide digital to digital, analog to analog dynamic image scoring and debugging, its comparison MPEG to Analog Video (Composite / S-video / Component / HDMI ...) image quality The architecture is the only solution launched in the industry, providing a complete solution for the image testing of ATSC / DVB / ISDB / IP STB
Venue player-Provide uncompressed high-quality image comparison solutions, synchronous comparison for server solutions, multi-media image playback, etc.