
About Excentis

Excentis is headquartered in Ghent, Belgium, specialized in professional expertise and extensive experience with network technology.。
With the goal is to be a leading partner in professional testing, consulting and training with access network technologies (cable, xDSL, wireless ...) and related services (data, VoIP, Wi-Fi and iDTV), Excentis has been continuously developing and expanding the market with high-quality products, customizable test and monitoring solutions.
As such a service provider, Excentis aims to develop high-quality, customizable testing and monitoring solutions to assist related industries in need.
Excentis combines fully equipped laboratories and standards in IP, VoIP, SIP, HFC networks, Wi-Fi®, interactive digital TV, network security, DOCSIS®, EuroDOCSIS ™ and (Euro) PacketCable ™, making Excentis a European The only cable operators, telecommunications operators and service providers that provide objectively judged technical service centers.

ByteBlower® is Excentis' high traffic generator / analyzer. It is a flexible and scalable solution. It can be used in operating networks or laboratories to evaluate the performance and stability of networks and network equipment.
XRA-31 DOCSIS® 3.1 Protocol Analyzer

XRA-31 is an immediate DOCSIS 3.0 and 3.1 analyzer developed by Excentis for upstream and downstream.
DOCSIS® Signing Tool

Excentis CodeSigner DOCSIS Signing tool is a command line tool for signing and co-signing cable modem software images. Operators and manufacturers use it to sign and co-sign (Euro) DOCSIS 3.0 and DOCSIS 3.1 software images.

VoIPexaminer® is a software solution that monitors Voice over IP (VoIP) in wired networks. In addition to advanced analysis and reporting functions, it also provides warning functions, allowing users to accurately find problems and solve network problems in the shortest time.
Cable Modem Config File Editor

Excentis cable modem configuration file editor (available for free) is a full-featured, platform-independent configuration file editor. Used to view and edit DOCSIS cable modem configuration files. It supports (Euro) DOCSIS 1.x, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1 cable modem configuration files in binary and text formats.
Need help?

The website provides information on how to use Excentis products, as well as the use of the latest software and manuals.