
The VB272 input card provides analysis and monitoring of DVB-S / S2, QPSK / 8/16/32 APSK signals in the satellite signal transponder. The machine can be equipped with a VB120 or VB220 Probe controller and up to two control VB272 input cards.

The picture shows a 1RU enhanced machine and four independent RF inputs as two DVB 272 DVB-S / S2 controllers. The VB120 module is an input module.
The configuration of a fully authorized VB120 and two VB272 interface cards provides complete monitoring and alarming of up to four DVB-S / S2 RF input terminals, 10 IP MPTS / SPTS multicasts (upgradable to 50) and An ASI stream input and output.
DVB-S / S2 input, ASI input and IP parallel input can all be analyzed by complete ETSI TR 101 290. In addition, VB120 or VB220 Probe controller can be added. If VB220 Probe is used as the main card for IP monitoring, it can be increased to 260 MPTS / SPTS multicast capabilities.
The operation of VB272 can be done through a web browser, and the graphical user interface provides a graphical overview of the scan status and ETR 290 TS data. IP is used as a carrier hybrid network from the head end to the satellite station. The built-in loop function allows continuous analysis of multiple DVB-S / S2 multiplexers, fully integrated to monitor and use a single VB272 interface.
The VB272 is also equipped with a full-power / tone control switch for RF input, or additional switch control using DiSEqC 1.1 protocol. With modern technology supporting modulation types of 16 or 32 APSK, VB272 is the future trend. The VB272 comes with a standard 75-ohm F-connector or a VB272-SMA 50-ohm SMA connector.
Technical characteristics
- Hardware ready with two independent tuners and demodulators
- One input activated by default - second input available through VB272-RF-OPT
- Available with 50 ohm SMA female connectors (VB272-SMA) or 75 ohm F female connectors (VB272)
- 9-pin male D-SUB alarm relay
- Capable of demodulating DVB-S, DVB-S2 8PSK, 16APSK, 32APSK
- Input frequency range from 950 to 2150 MHz; Automatic symbol rate detection requires only frequency to be configured by user
- Symbol rate range between 1 to 45Msym/s
- Input stream selection (for DVB-S2)
- PL scrambling mode setting (for DVB-S2)
- PL scrambling code setting (for DVB-S2)
- DVB-S 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 FEC
- DVB-S2 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 FEC
- Configure LNB local oscillator frequency and set input satellite frequency directly
- 13V/18V/22kHz antenna signalling present
- DiseqC 1.1 compatible for control of Committed L-band Switches
- Modulation Error Rate (MER) in dB
- Signal to Noise Rate (SNR) in dB
- Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) in% and in dB
- Constellation diagram maintained in GUI
- BER pre Viterbi (for DVB-S)
- BER post Viterbi (for DVB-S)
- BER post LDPC-BCH (for DVB-S2)
- RS Packet Error Count
- Front-end lock indication in GUI and through front panel red/green LED
- Channel power with an absolute accuracy of +/- 3 dB and a resolution of 1 dB
- Trend graphs over time for Channel Power and MER up to 2 years - requires VideoBRIDGE
Controller server
- Carrier level
- Carrier frequency offset
- Symbol rate offset
- Energy per information bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Ebinf/N0) in dB
- Energy per transmitted bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Eb/N0) in dB
- Energy per symbol to noise power spectral density ratio (Es/N0) in dB
- Pilot detection (for DVB-S2)
- Frame length (for DVB-S2)
- Null packet deletion (for DVB-S2)
- Input Stream Synchronization Indicator (ISSI) (for DVB-S2)
- Number of input streams (for DVB-S2)
- Capable of Short and Normal frames
- Stream types: Generic Packetized Stream、Generic Continuous Stream、Transport
- Coding and modulation: Constant Coding and Modulation、Adaptive/Variable Coding
and Modulation (ACM/VCM)
- Roll-off factors: 0.35/0.25/0.20
- Capable of Multi Input Stream (MIS) with tuning selection of individual Input Stream
Identifiers (ISI)
- Frequency range: 950 to 2150 MHz
- RF power level: -65 to -25 dBm
- RF power level accuracy: +/- 2 dB
- RF power level resolution: 0.1 dB
- SNR: >30 dB
- BER and PER readings