AJA Video Systems
AJA Video Systems is a leading manufacturer of high-quality and cost-effective digital video acquisition, interface, conversion and desktop solutions for professional broadcast, production and post-production.
SV-ESDR是全方位的視訊串流應用解決方案,擁有靈活的硬體接口及視訊格式,支援音視訊編碼/解碼/轉碼、靈活的多路SDI/HDMI/Analog I/O介面、完整的支援Metadata、字幕、跑馬燈、台標、即時快訊等圖像文字功能。
BRIDGE Technologies數位電視訊號與品質監控
BRIDGE Technologies 的整個公司團體擁有深厚的廣播,電信和媒體產業的背景,產品的優势在於兼顧廣播和電信两個营運領域,為這兩個不同網絡的營運商提供IPTV & DTV Monitor solution。
Cerevo (Consumer Electronics REVOlution) was founded with the aim to constantly provide innovative products and solutions to transform people’s lives.