在VB272輸入卡提供衛星信號轉發器裡DVB-S/S2、QPSK/8/16/32 APSK信號的分析和監控。機器可配備一個VB120或VB220 Probe控制器和高達兩個控制VB272輸入卡。
圖為一個1RU增強型機器與當作兩個DVB 272 DVB-S/S2控制器共4個獨立RF輸入, VB120模組為輸入模組。
一個完整授權VB120和兩個VB272接口卡的配置完整提供了即時監控和告警多達四個DVB-S/S2射頻輸入端、10個IP MPTS/SPTS多播(可升級至50個)和一個ASI碼流輸入、輸出。
DVB-S/S2輸入、ASI輸入和IP並行輸入皆可進行完整ETSI TR 101 290分析,此外可加上VB120或VB220 Probe控制器。如果以VB220 Probe作為主卡進行IP監控可提高到260個MPTS/SPTS多播能力。
VB272的操作可通過一個Web瀏覽器,圖形化的用戶界面可提供掃描狀態和ETR 290 TS數據的圖形概述。其中IP用於作為從頭端向衛星站台的載波混合網路。內置的循環功能允許多個DVB-S/S2多路復的連續分析,完全整合能夠監控使用單一個VB272接口。
在VB272還搭配了RF輸入的全功率/音調控制開關,也可以使用DiSEqC 1.1協議額外的開關控制。隨著現代化技術支援調製類型為16或32 APSK,VB272是未來趨向。在VB272附帶了標準75歐姆的F-連接器或者搭配VB272-SMA 50歐姆SMA連接器。
- Hardware ready with two independent tuners and demodulators
- One input activated by default - second input available through VB272-RF-OPT
- Available with 50 ohm SMA female connectors (VB272-SMA) or 75 ohm F female connectors (VB272)
- 9-pin male D-SUB alarm relay
- Capable of demodulating DVB-S, DVB-S2 8PSK, 16APSK, 32APSK
- Input frequency range from 950 to 2150 MHz; Automatic symbol rate detection requires only frequency to be configured by user
- Symbol rate range between 1 to 45Msym/s
- Input stream selection (for DVB-S2)
- PL scrambling mode setting (for DVB-S2)
- PL scrambling code setting (for DVB-S2)
- DVB-S 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 FEC
- DVB-S2 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 FEC
- Configure LNB local oscillator frequency and set input satellite frequency directly
- 13V/18V/22kHz antenna signalling present
- DiseqC 1.1 compatible for control of Committed L-band Switches
- Modulation Error Rate (MER) in dB
- Signal to Noise Rate (SNR) in dB
- Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) in% and in dB
- Constellation diagram maintained in GUI
- BER pre Viterbi (for DVB-S)
- BER post Viterbi (for DVB-S)
- BER post LDPC-BCH (for DVB-S2)
- RS Packet Error Count
- Front-end lock indication in GUI and through front panel red/green LED
- Channel power with an absolute accuracy of +/- 3 dB and a resolution of 1 dB
- Trend graphs over time for Channel Power and MER up to 2 years - requires VideoBRIDGE
Controller server
- Carrier level
- Carrier frequency offset
- Symbol rate offset
- Energy per information bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Ebinf/N0) in dB
- Energy per transmitted bit to noise power spectral density ratio (Eb/N0) in dB
- Energy per symbol to noise power spectral density ratio (Es/N0) in dB
- Pilot detection (for DVB-S2)
- Frame length (for DVB-S2)
- Null packet deletion (for DVB-S2)
- Input Stream Synchronization Indicator (ISSI) (for DVB-S2)
- Number of input streams (for DVB-S2)
- Capable of Short and Normal frames
- Stream types: Generic Packetized Stream、Generic Continuous Stream、Transport
- Coding and modulation: Constant Coding and Modulation、Adaptive/Variable Coding
and Modulation (ACM/VCM)
- Roll-off factors: 0.35/0.25/0.20
- Capable of Multi Input Stream (MIS) with tuning selection of individual Input Stream
Identifiers (ISI)
- Frequency range: 950 to 2150 MHz
- RF power level: -65 to -25 dBm
- RF power level accuracy: +/- 2 dB
- RF power level resolution: 0.1 dB
- SNR: >30 dB
- BER and PER readings