Hardening Security Defenses Against Tomorrow’s DDoS Attacks

On-Demand Webinar: Hardening Security Defenses Against Tomorrow’s DDoS Attacks
Today’s DDoS attacks have become every network’s problem. Powerful computing platforms, high-bandwidth connections, global reach, and the easy availability of “how-to” toolkits for conducting DDoS attacks make it easy to wreak havoc. Attackers can create their own botnets, exploit flaws in internet enabled devices, or rent them to achieve any type of attack that they want—only limited by their imagination and motivation.

DDoS attacks are also more diverse than in the past. They might target a specific vulnerability and throw massive amounts of traffic at it. They might conduct a “drip campaign” using very little traffic over a sustained period of time that suddenly results in system or application crashes. Some DDoS attacks are used as a “smokescreen” attack on one area of the network to divert attention and resources from a second location that they compromise through malicious methods. For the enterprise, this knowledge is worrisome. But there are ways to preempt attacks and know in advance how your infrastructure will function in the event of a DDoS attack.
This webinar will discuss and provide examples of current DDoS attack methodologies, giving you insight into how your enterprises might be vulnerable—and the steps you can take to harden your defenses and security investment strategies through preemptive security testing and measuring techniques.
About this Webinar:
- Today’s DDoS attacks: bigger, more diverse, and potentially more dangerous
- Why no one is immune to DDoS attacks—it’s not if you will be attacked, it’s when (if not already)
Due to growth of IoT, there is an increase in connected homes and devices which creates an unimaginably large attack surface
- An enterprise can be affected by DDoS attacks through means completely unrelated to its business
- The challenges DDoS attacks create for the enterprise:
- Balancing protection against DDoS with enterprise network access and performance requirements
- Managing more security measures and policies in an already-taxed security environment
- Identifying potential “choke points”
- How to harden security defenses (Spirent’s approach)
- Identify your enterprise’s needs for protection, access, and performance
- Define “mission critical” for your specific environment
- Take advantage of next-generation firewall capabilities for DDoS mitigation
- Ensure that enterprise systems are not running on manufacturers’ default configurations
- Think “preemptively,” and conduct preemptive testing to ensure that your infrastructure will perform as expected in case of a DDoS attack
- Think holistically, understanding that DDoS attacks are not just about a single point in the network
- Seek expert advice and resources to test your systems in a controlled environment, separate from production traffic.