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NEW無線網路測試解決方案 – Candela WIFI 7 Testing

Candela Technologies推出最新WIFI 7 解決方案,以WIFI 7技術功能革新無線網路測試。在建立WIFI 6強大基礎的同時,帶來了新的可能性。6GHz頻段現在支持高達320MHz的頻寬和高達MCS-13的MCS編碼速率。即使是2x2設備也可以達到接近5Gbps的空中編碼速率 (on-air encoding rate),提升封包傳輸速率到4Gbps級距。

Candela WIFI 7 Testing解決方案引入了Multi-Link Operation (MLO) 等開創性功能,讓WiFi設備能夠同時利用多個頻段。這一突破性功能使得在6GHz頻段的AP附近實現高吞吐量,同時在2.4GHz頻段與AP距離較遠的地方保持持續連接。
WiFi 7 builds on WiFi 6 features and adds some new features of its own. The 6Ghz band now allows up to 320Mhz wide bandwidths, and MCS encoding rates are up to MCS-13. This means even a 2x2 device can reach on-air encoding rate near 5Gbps, for total data throughput in the 4Gbps range.
New features such as Multi-Link Operation (MLO) should help WiFi devices take advantage of multiple bands concurrently, allowing high throughput when close to the AP on 6Ghz band but also allowing sustained connectivity far from the AP on 2.4Ghz band
Candela 提供全面的全自動化Fully Automated Wi-Fi 7測試系統
- 多站模擬器
- 流量生成器
- RF射頻屏蔽箱
- 轉盤
- 可編程衰減器
Fully Automated
Candela Technologies offers a fully automated Wi-Fi 7 test systems. 
This includes all the required test hardware, including:
- Multi-station emulator
- Traffic generator
- RF enclosures
- Turntable
- Programmable attenuators
WIFI 7 多頻段吞吐量測試
多頻段吞吐量測試同時評估2.4GHz、5GHz和6GHz頻段上的每個客戶端的運行流量。此測試驗證WIFI 7 AP在多個頻段活動時的吞吐量能力,每個頻段僅配置單個站點。配置的速度比吞吐量測試中的MTU大小的通過值高出20%,若跳過吞吐量測試,則使用固定值。
WIFI 7 Multi-Band Throughput Test
This test creates each client on 2.4, 5 and 6Ghz bands run the traffic simultaneously. The Multi Band Performance test intends to verify that the WIFI 7 AP throughput with multiple bands active with a single station on each band. The configured speed will be 20% higher than the passing value for MTU sized frames in the throughput test. If the throughput test was skipped, then fixed valued will be used.
WIFI 7 流量測試
Candela WIFI流量測試評估存取點在處理多個WIFI 6E設備時的性能表現。允許用戶按照自定義步驟增加每個測試迭代中的設備數量,並測量每個設備以及各試驗的整體吞吐量。除了吞吐量之外,其他測量還包括客戶端連接時間、封包丟失、DHCP時間等等。
WIFI 7 吞吐量基準測試
Candela WIFI對所有站點、MIMO類型、頻寬、流量類型、流量方向、幀尺寸等進行自動測試,且在每個測試變化的組合下運行快速的吞吐量測試,並將結果繪製在一組圖表中以進行性能比較 
The Candela WIFI Capacity test is designed to measure performance of an Access Point when handling several 6E WIFI Stations. The test allows the users to increase the number of stations in user defined steps for each test iteration and measure the per station and the overall throughput for each trial. Along with throughput other measurements made are client connection times, % packet loss, DHCP times and more. The expected behavior is for the AP should be able to handle several stations (within the limitations of the AP specs) and make sure all stations get a fair amount of airtime both in the upstream and downstream.
上市時間和TaaS / Onsite Support
Candela LANforge WiFi 7測試系統預計將在2023年12月上市。
Lead Times
LANforge WiFi 7 Test systems are expected to be available by December of 2023.
TaaS/Onsite Support
Customers with only occasional test needs can use our Test as a Service option. Candela engineers can do the testing for you in our fully equipped test lab and provide a detailed test report with recommendations.