Automatically eliminate
Information leakage

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What is LanScope?

  1. 1.Through Internal fraud Every cases losed 20 Billion USD, 2.2 times more than outside fraud
  2. 2.In Company 53% Managerment been Internal fraud.
  3. 3.90% Message leak happened in US
  4. 4.Message Leak most of time happened on Desktop

LanScope Cat 4 Arrows

  1. 1Property

    Constantly update Hardware & Software , Make sure Managerment works perfectly.

  2. 2Operation log

    Through Managerment PC Operation log , Increase safety and dect urgent issues without lower service efficiency

  3. 3Web Browing

    Monitory website staus and limited ilegal website

  4. 4Device

    Control USB,CD devices , Prevent leak important message.

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